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      DT Brahman Farms is a small family ran farm located in Seguin, Texas that specializes in registered Brahman cattle. Our small family of four strives to raise the best bloodlines of Brahman  cattle we can find or breed on our farm. We focus on small amounts of cattle to achieve a more hands on approach of raising them from birth. This allows for low stress levels and ease of handling, which in return has yielded some of the highest quality cattle on the market.

      Recently DT Brahman Farms has acquired a new herd sire. Mr. Maximillion 604/8 is a Black Hereford bull and he will be covering our 2020 females in hopes of creating some very nice cross replacement heifers and possible show steers. By crossing the homozygous black hereford bull with brahman females we will be gaining a well thought out cross of mostly Hereford, Brahman, and a touch of Black Angus. These offspring should be very well suited for Southern climate and have just the right amount of hybrid vigor to be a low maintenance, high meat yield  cattle suited for southern climate and drought conditions. While we will never claim to be experts on anything when it comes to cattle, we are excited to try new things and see the outcome. 2021 should be a interesting year for our herd and we look forward to it.

      We hope you enjoy the small glimpse of our unique Brahman cattle experience through this website. We also from time to time have cattle for sale so feel free to take a look and don't hesitate to contact us with questions or inquiries.

Thank you for visiting DT Brahman Farms

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